
Terč – TargDots – Zombie Dots™ Practice Targets – Attorney Slaughter


2 skladem

2 skladem


229  s DPH

2 skladem

Terče – samolepící
TargDots Zombie Dots™ Practice Targets
Attorney Slaughter

ITEM: 4026301

Attorney Slaughter – sada 10-ti samolepících terčíků s motivem zombie,
každý terč má průměr 20cm.

Procvičte si střelbu na zombie. Podle Američanů to potřebovat 🙂

WARNING! Zombie Sightings Are Increasing.
It’s Official! We are all seeing more zombies
lately. Just look on your TV. We must begin
preparation to combat this increasing menace.
It is everyone’s responsibility.
That’s why Zombie Dot™ Targets are so important.
Be Ready!
Practice precise bullet placement. For your future,
your family and our way of life,
please sharpen your zombie stopping skills.

Remember zombies are notorious for poor personal
hygiene and inadequate social skills.
Frankly, nobody likes zombies, so you can shoot
at Zombie Dot Targets at any range. Spread the word.
Help keep your town safe from the zombie menace.
Get your Zombie Dot Targets at responsible firearms
and sporting goods dealers.

Peel and stick targets are 8” in diameter.

Prodej MO/VO


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 24.2.-26.2. máme zavřeno